The friends, colleagues, and classmates of David Watson (Law ’87), former Editor-in-Chief of the Queen’s Law Journal, have donated funds to form a trust in his memory.

The purpose of the David Watson Memorial Trust is to promote the publication of excellent scholarship in the Queen’s Law Journal. The David Watson Memorial Award is presented annually for the paper published in the Queen’s Law Journal judged to make the most significant contribution to legal scholarship. The recipient is selected by the Queen’s Law Journal Awards Committee—comprised of the Co-Editors-in-Chief, Faculty Advisors, and the Dean of Law.

The Queen's Law Journal is proud to display the winners of the David Watson Memorial Award.

VolumeAward Winner
Award Winner for Volume 49upcoming
Award Winner for Volume 48Robert Diab and Jolene Sanderson, "Reasonable Apprehension Under Mental Health Law" (2022) 48:1 
Award Winner for Volume 47Douglas Sarro, "Incentives, Experts, and Regulatory Renewal" (2021) 47:1 Queen's LJ 38,
Winner for
Volume 46
Noah Weisbord, "License to Kill: What Appellate Decisions Reveal About Canada's New Self-Defence Law" (2020) 46:1 Queen's LJ 97.
Winner for
Volume 45
Sean Rehaag, "Judicial Review of Refugee Determinations (II): Revisiting the Luck of the Draw" (2019) 45:1 Queen's LJ 1
Award Winner for
Volume 44
Lisa Dufraimont, “Myth, Inference and Evidence in Sexual Assault Trials” (2019) 44:2 Queen’s LJ 316.
Award Winner for
Volume 43
Jennifer Peirce, “Making the Mandela Rules: Evidence, Expertise, and Politics in the Development of Soft Law International Prison Standards” (2018) 43:2 Queen’s LJ 263.
Award Winner for
Volume 42
Justice David Stratas, "The Canadian Law of Judicial Review: A Plea for Doctrinal Coherence and Consistency" (2016) 42:1 Queen's LJ 27
Award Winner for
Volume 41
Paul Daly, "A Supreme Court's Place in the Constitutional Order: Contrasting Recent Experiences in Canada and the United Kingdom" (2015) 41:1 Queen's LJ 1.
Award Winner for
Volume 40
Paul Daly, “Canada's Bipolar Administrative Law: Time for Fusion” (2014) 40:1 Queen's LJ 213.
Award Winner for
Volume 39
Vaughan Black, "Conditional Forum Non Conveniens in Canadian Courts" (2013) 39:1 Queen's LJ.
Award Winner for
Volume 38
Sean Rehaag, "Judicial Review of Refugee Determinations: The Luck of the Draw?" (2012) 38:1 Queen's LJ 1.
Award Winner for
Volume 37

Dr. Chris D L Hunt, "Conceptualizing Privacy and Elucidating its Importance: Foundational Considerations for the Development of Canada’s Fledgling Privacy Tort" (2011) 37:1 Queen's LJ 167.

Dr. Chris D L Hunt, "Privacy in the Common Law: A Critical Appraisal of the Ontario Court of Appeal’s Decision in Jones v. Tsige" (2012) 37:2 Queen's LJ 665.

Award Winner for
Volume 36
Hugo Choquette, “Translating the Constitution Act, 1867: A Critique” (2011) 36:2 Queen’s LJ 503.
Award Winner for
Volume 35
Amir N Licht, “Expanded Rationality: From the Preferred to the Desirable, with Some Implications for Law” (2009) 35:1 Queen’s LJ 245.
Award Winner for
Volume 34
Marc Chevrier, “Imperium in imperio? Des déséquilibres, du pouvoir federal de dépenser et du constiutionnalisme au Canada” (2008) 34:1 Queen’s LJ 29.
Award Winner for
Volume 33
Lisa Dufraimont, “Regulating Unreliable Evidence: Can Evidence Rules Guide Juries and Prevent Wrongful Convictions?” (2008) 33:2 Queen’s LJ 261.
Award Winner for
Volume 32
Claire A Hill, “The Law and Economics of Identity” (2007) 32:2 Queen’s LJ 389.
Award Winner for
Volume 31
Dennis R Klinck, “The Nebulous Equitable Duty of Conscience” (2005) 31:1 Queen’s LJ 206.
Award Winner for
Volume 30

Elder C Marques, “What the Law Does Not Allow: The Boundaries of Canadian Constitutionalism and the British Columbia Supreme Court, 1878-88” (2004) 30:1 Queen’s LJ 35.

David J Doorey, “Employer ‘Bullying’: Implied Duties of Fair Dealing in Canadian Employment Contracts” (2005) 30:2 Queen’s LJ 500.

Award Winner for
Volume 29
Tom Flanagan & Christopher Alcantara, “Individual Property Rights on Canadian Indian Reserves” (2004) 29:2 Queen’s LJ 489.
Award Winner for
Volume 28
Professor Carys J Craig, "Locke, Labour and Limiting the Author's Right: A Warning against a Lockean Approach to Copyright Law" (2003).
Award Winner for
Volume 27
Jean Leclair, “Canada’s Unfathomable Unwritten Constitutional Principles” (2002) 27:2 Queen’s LJ 389.
Award Winner for
Volume 26
Constance Backhouse, “The Doctrine of Corroboration in Sexual Assault Trials in Early Twentieth Century Canada and Australia” (2001) 26:2 Queen’s LJ 297.
Award Winner for
Volume 25
Bruce P Archibald, “The Canadian Hearsay Revolution: Is Half a Loaf Better Than No Loaf at All?” (1999) 25:1 Queen’s LJ 1.
Award Winner for
Volume 24
David Wright, “Unions and Political Action: Labour Law, Union Purposes and Democracy” (1998) 24:1 Queen’s LJ 1.
Award Winner for
Volume 23
Mark D Walters, “Aboriginal Rights, Magna Carta and Exclusive Rights to Fisheries in the Waters of Upper Canada” (1998) 23:2 Queen’s LJ 301.
Award Winner for
Volume 22
Denis W Boivin, “Accommodating Freedom of Expression and Reputation in the Common Law Doctrine of Defamation” (1997) 22:2 Queen’s LJ 229.
Award Winner for
Volume 21
Douglas Litowitz, “Foucault on Law: Modernity as Negative Utopia” (1995) 21:1 Queen’s LJ 1.
Award Winner for
Volume 20
Norman Siebrasse, “Economic Analysis of Economic Loss in the Supreme Court of Canada: Fault, Deterrence, and Channeling of Losses in CNR v. Norsk Pacific Steamship Co.” (1994) 20:1 Queen’s LJ 1.
Award Winner for
Volume 19
Martha Jackman, “Poor Rights: Using the Charter to Support Social Welfare Claims” (1993) 19:1 Queen’s LJ 65.
Award Winner for
Volume 18
William F Flanagan, “AIDS-Related Risks in the Health Care Setting: HIV Testing of Health Care Workers and Patients” (1993) 18:1 Queen’s LJ 71.
Award Winner for
Volume 17
Joan Brockman, “Gender Bias in the Legal Profession: A Survey of Members of the Law Society of British Columbia” (1992) 17:1 Queen’s LJ 91.
Award Winner for
Volume 16
Alison Harvison Young & Roderick A Macdonald, “Canadian Administrative Law on the Threshold of the 1990s” (1991) 16:1 Queen’s LJ 31.